A Sanctuary for Hair and Personal Care

How Mean is Chlorine?

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How mean is chlorine? In a nutshell, very, especially when you live in the South Florida tropical paradise where the pool is your playground.  Chlorine is a bully and can wreak havoc on natural, color or chemically-treated (think relaxed) hair. It can make your hair dry, cause irritation on scalp and skin, and can even make your bright new color fade into the sunset.  Here are three strands of thought, followed by a few tips to protect your hair from the harsh effects of chlorine.

Effects of Chlorine on Human Hair

All swimmers have experienced damaging effect of chlorinated water in a swimming pool or spa on their hair. In order to understand how chlorine is damaging hair, we need to look at hair and the chemicals used to treat water.

Can Chlorine Ruin My Hair?

Most of us have heard the rumor. I’m talking about whispers of chlorine damaging your hair. Or even worse, people warning that chlorine can turn your beautiful, newly colored locks into a wretched green color. With summer coming up FAST, you’re probably wondering if this rumor is true?

Protect African American hair from chlorine damage

The exposure of African-American hair to chlorine and how it can become more susceptible to breakage and damage. How to protect the hair.

Protection from the Harsh Effects of Chlorine

Your Hair:

  • Make sure it is well-conditioned.
  • Wear a swim cap.
  • Rinse the hair thoroughly and apply conditioner after your pool session.


Your Hair and Skin:

How to Protect Every Inch of Your Body From Chlorine Damage

The ultimate summer day is when a good portion of it is spent lounging at the pool. And while you’ll log in some quality reading hours and rack up some great summery Instagrams (hello, inflatable swan!), spending too much time submerged will leave you with bigger bummers than just pruney fingers.

If you are an occasional or regular pool enthusiast, #AskKarlinesSalon about more ways to protect the health of your hair.  We’ll help you stand up to the chlorine bully with a hair maintenance program that includes a minimum of four visits and products for at-home care – all at an exceptional price. For more information, call us at 561-471-0900 or make an appointment for your next visit.

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2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 209, WPB FL 33409 561-471-0900 info@karlinessalon-spa.com